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- Dejure Defacto is an interactive computer program created in processing that detects movements made by the viewer through a camera. The movements made by the viewer are translated into colors and light that are projected onto a blank canvas. The images are temporary and fade away without the presence of the viewer. You can download the application to try it on your own. If you have a camera connected to your computer the application should locate it without problem.

- The inspiration of this piece is that, when we view visual art, hear a melody or read a written work, our understanding of that composition consists of two separate impressions: one is de facto perception- the existence and reality of what we are viewing - the paint on the canvas, notes on the scale and words on the page; the other is de jure participation- the essence and spirit that we ourselves give to the work, the opinions we create in response to its cues and the conclusions we draw. This latter thread is seldom dominant but is always present.

- In many ways the artist who created the work is therefore simply the agent for the viewer's design, at the mercy of the viewer. The composition has no isolated value of its own. It has no real compelling function independent of the response it initiates from the viewer and it holds no merit or worth until the viewer bestows that value upon it. Furthermore, that value is not permanent but is determined by each individual independently. The true binding value of an artwork is null and void without the participation of the viewer.

- This work aspires to create a framework that makes trivial the independent value we expect a composition to present and surrenders itself to the personal individuality and authorship of the viewer, a work that is fundamentally about interactivity and participation. The interaction is the medium, just as paint is the medium to a canvas, notes are to a melody and written words are to a book. Without paint there is no painting, without notes there is no song, and without written words there is no story; without the contributions of the viewer this work is equally nonexistent.

- The viewer extracts from the work what they choose to give to the work. The work and its value is created solely by the viewer for the viewer, drifting apart and falling in place simultaneously. It is defined by being undefined and can only be what it will be.